
2022年7月5日—InoticethatDropboxUpdate(C:-ProgramFiles(x86)-Dropbox-Update-DropboxUpdate.exe)runseverytimeIstartmycomputer(Windows8.1x64), ...,2021年4月14日—Right-clickonthedropboxitemintheStartuptabtoturnitonoroff.,2024年6月13日—TurnofftheDropboxbadge.TodisabletheDropboxbadge:ClicktheDropboxiconinyourtaskbar(Windows)ormenubar(Mac).Click ...,2020年9月9日—DisableDropboxauto-launchonWindows10.Ste...

Disable automatic running of Dropbox updater at system ...

2022年7月5日 — I notice that DropboxUpdate (C:-Program Files (x86)-Dropbox-Update-DropboxUpdate.exe) runs every time I start my computer (Windows 8.1 x64), ...

Disable Dropbox system startup (FOR REAL)

2021年4月14日 — Right-click on the dropbox item in the Startup tab to turn it on or off.

How do I turn the Dropbox badge on or off?

2024年6月13日 — Turn off the Dropbox badge. To disable the Dropbox badge: Click the Dropbox icon in your taskbar (Windows) or menu bar (Mac). Click ...

How to stop Dropbox from auto

2020年9月9日 — Disable Dropbox auto-launch on Windows 10. Step 1: First of all, open the Dropbox app on your computer. Step 2: Now, you will find a Dropbox ...

How to Stop Dropbox from Opening at Startup on Windows ...

2020年9月8日 — Select Dropbox from the list of applications, then click the Disable button. In Task Manager, click the Startup tab, then select Dropbox.

How To Turn Off The Dropbox Desktop App

2020年4月22日 — Uncheck the box Open the desktop app when starting Dropbox. Click the dropdown next to Open folders in. Choose File Explorer (Windows) or Finder ...

How to uninstall Dropbox on your computer

2023年9月14日 — To also remove the Dropbox folder from your hard drive, drag your Dropbox folder to the Trash. Some users might have two versions of the Dropbox ...


2024年5月17日 — Do you: click Start, then scroll down list of all programs, left-click+drag Dropbox icon onto user's Desktop? Then what? Where is the Startup ...


2016年2月20日 — Truly stop Dropbox client from starting automatically on Windows 10 · Close Dropbox; · Open Regedit and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER-Software-Microsoft ...